Adding Media - management and staffing
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Adding Media - management and staffing

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Article summary

Adding Media via the Management Portal

There are three ways of uploading photos so that they appear in the media section. The first option is to go to the event page and click on “Media” at the top of the page. A dropdown box will appear with an option to “Edit Media”

Once clicked, a popup Event Media window will appear. At the top will be an option to choose new files to upload. If using a mobile device, you will be taken to your device’s photos library and have the option to select multiple photos. If you are using a desktop device, you will have to navigate to where your photos are saved, and then select each of the files you want uploaded. You can select multiple photos by using Shift + Click to select a group of photos in a row, or Command/Control + clicking to select multiple individual files that are spread out.

Once uploaded, you will see a thumbnail appear for each photo as well as some additional options such as tags, highlighting, and removing photos which will be covered below.

You can also upload photos by going to the media tab on the right side of the event screen and clicking “+ Edit Media”. This will take you through the same process outlined above. Additionally, staff users can also upload photos to their events via the staff portal.

Adding Media via the Staff Portal

You can quickly add photos or media to any event on your schedule by clicking the Add Photos button on the shift card.

This will open Photo Upload modal.

The modal is a multi-image uploader that will allow you to upload any and all images that you have for the event in one place. Click Choose Files. 

The file manager on your computer, or the default photo app on your mobile device, will automatically open.

Select the photo(s) you wish to include and click Open. You can select one or many photos to upload at one time. The image(s) you select will preview in the modal.

While in the modal, you may rotate the images if needed, add additional photos, or remove any added in error.

Once you have added all the needed photos, and rotated them to display as you want, click Close. The photos you included will now display on the Management Portal for your supervisor to view, edit, and download as needed.