Adding a Program and Recap
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Adding a Program and Recap

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Article summary

Clients Section

The Clients Section of the Global Admin lists all clients on your MainEvent site. This is how you will enter the individual client-level admin settings. The list will include all clients (active and inactive) that are or have been on your MainEvent site. To enter any of the specific client sites, click Edit. The client level admin will be covered in another section.

Global Logo Upload

This section will allow you to upload a small image file that will display on the login page and global homepage of your MainEvent site. When you enter a client site, the specified client logo will display instead. The Global logo will only be displayed when users are on non-client aspects of the site.

Using a .jpeg or .png format, click Choose File. This will open the file manager on your machine. Choose the correct file and then click Open. The new file will display. Click Save to make the changes permanent. You may need to refresh the page for the new logo to display.

Program Admin

Program Settings

The Program settings section will allow you to winnow down the global and client level settings to meet the needs of a specific program. Here’s where you will set the Active status of the Program or where you can edit the name if needed. This section gives you an opportunity to add more specifics about a program if you want, but it is not required.

The Program Settings section allows you to set the following: Active Status (Yes/No), Program Name, Program Start Date, Program End Date, Program Code, Agency Fee Percentage, Budget, Country, Program Twitter, Program Facebook, Program Instagram, Hashtags, and Program Manager (single select from assigned users).

Specific settings that you may wish to change:

Skip Recap

This will allow you to create events without assigning a recap. This is a program-wide setting so it is not to be used unless you wish to gather no recaps for the entire program.

Allow Staff Ad-hoc Visits

This will allow staff to create their own events from the Staff App.

Auto-Approve Recap

Enabling this setting will automatically approve submitted recaps without management oversight.

Auto-Lock Claims Window

Select the number of days after the event that you would like to have the claims lock. After that amount of time has passed, claims will no longer be able to be submitted against the event.

Auto-Assign New Staff

Enabling this will mean that all new staff added to the site will be automatically assigned to the program.

Break out multi-day activations into separate events with separate recap responses

This deftly titled setting does exactly what it says. If you want to have your multi-day events have recap responses submitted each day, then set this toggle to Yes.

Automatically generate recap response submission link?

This will create a link to access a recap response.

Prompt Recap/Claims Joint Submission

This will prompt staff users to submit their claims and their recaps in a single session.

Default Event Description

Tired of creating a unique event description for every event? You can opt instead to create one on the program level. This description will be applied to every event on the program.

Program Mass Assign

There may be some user groups or markets of which you want to assign everyone to a program.  This is most quickly accomplished by making use of the Program Assignment section in the admin.  

The first section you’re going to see relates to assigning both yourself and others to your new program.  Assign this program to my own user profile is a Yes/No toggle.  Choosing Yes will assign you to this program, which is the default.  Changing that to No will mean that this program will not automatically be assigned to you and will not display any event data for you.  

Next, you can choose to mass assign the new program to any management user role.  Know that all Admin role users need access?  You can assign everyone here in one go.  

The final assignment option is Assign To All Users of Market(s).  This will allow you to assign users assigned to specific markets to the new program all at once.  No more individual user edits needed!  

Once you’ve made all needed assignments, click Save in the upper left of the page. 

Click Save and all users assigned to each selected role will be active on the program

Recap Fields

The MainEvent Recap Definition builder allows users to create project-specific Recap Definitions and Questions as needed. These questions and surveys can be created on demand, edited, deleted and their usage can be easily tracked. This document will detail and explain the different question types. To find out more about building a Recap Definition, please read the article here.

Creating a Recap Question

After logging into the Client Dashboard, navigate to the Recaps tab in the header and select View Recap Fields.

This will open the Recap Field Index. This index page will list all the questions that have already been created for Recap Definitions for the program. The Index lists: Question Name, ID, Question Type, Assigned to Recap Definitions (# of assignments), Assigned to Forms, and Question Responses.

In the upper righthand corner, click Add New Recap Field.

This will open the Recap Field Details page. This is the page that will be used to create all Recap Fields regardless of question type. For all questions, the first step is to enter the Name. This is what the Staff Users will see listed on their Recap Definition survey. There is a field for both an English and French question. Entering the translated question in the French field allows French Field Staff Users to view the Recap Field in their preferred language. Leaving the field blank will automatically populate the English field.


Then select the Field Type (see below for details about each question type).


The final field on the page is the Help Text. This is an optional field where further explanation of the expectations for the question can be included. This can include examples or other key points that may not be clear from the question text. The Help Text can also be entered in English and French as desired.


Once all desired fields have been completed, click Save to save the individual question, or click Save & Add Another if more new questions are needed.

Returning to the Recap Field Index will show the new question(s) listed there.

Recap Field Types


A Text Field allows Staff Users to enter a small amount of text. This question type is intended for short answers.


An Integer Field allows Staff Users to enter a whole number response.

Float (1 decimal)

A Float (1 decimal) Field allows Staff Users to enter a number with a single digit decimal point response. ie. 3.7

Float (2 decimal)

A Float (2 decimal) Field allows Staff Users to enter a number with a two digit decimal point response. ie. 2.15


A Money Field allows users to answer questions related to dollar amounts.


A Select Field allows management users to create a list of options for the staff user to choose as their response. The number of options input has no limit, however the staff user will only be able to select one response.


A Multi-Select Field allows management users to create a list of options for the staff user to choose as their response. This question type allows the staff user to select as many of the options as they wish in their response.


A Date Field allows the staff user to select a date from a calendar dropdown.

Subsection Label

This question type will display in a read-only text format. Use this question type to differentiate between sections in the recap form without creating new pages.


A Textarea Field allows staff users to fill in a longform text-based response.

Totals Field


A Time Field displays a clock from which users can insert an hour and minute response.

Image Upload

The Image Upload Field allows users to insert a single photo they have collected from the event into their recap response.

Multi-Image Upload

The Multi-Image Upload allows users to insert multiple photos they have collected from the event into their recap response.

Signature Capture

Signature Capture allows touch-sensitive devices to collect signatures from users on-site and include them in the form response.


A Date/Time Field allows the staff user to select a date from a calendar dropdown and insert a an hour and minute response in a single question.


A Duration field allows users to enter a time-based response

Select (radio buttons)

The same as a select field but with radio buttons in place of a checkbox.

Agreement (checkbox)

A checkbox indicating that the user acknowledges the terms of the agreement

Display Text

Display Text will display in a read-only text format. This option allows you to insert special instructions or necessary text information without an expected response.

Display Image

The Display Image question type allows photo files to be included in the recap

Rank Order

Allows you to create fields that recap responders will be able to assign a rank to.  Whether it's samples or guerilla stops, rank whatever fits your fancy.

Weighted Choice

Weighted Choice fields allow you to create a series of fields with an assigned order and an assigned numeric value.

Formula Fields

Allow you to plug in certain recap questions and perform automatic calculations (average, sum, etc).  

Building a Recap Definition

The complex recap builder allows users to create custom recap forms including validation, logic, and location variables. Users can choose between several form types to construct a recap that ensures they are collecting the exact data needed for reporting.

Building a Recap Definition

Prior to building a recap definition, you must first add all the recap fields you will need. Click here to learn about creating recap fields. Once all required fields have been added to the system, click Recap on the navigation menu and select View Recap Definitions.

This will open the Recap Definitions Index. Here you will find all previously saved recaps for the client. Click the Add New Recap Definition button in the upper left of the page.

You are now in the recap definition builder. Start by filling out the Recap Definition Details section. This includes Name, Status (Active, Inactive), Start Date, End Date (the last date that the recap can be assigned to an event), End Offset Date (the final date that users are allowed to submit recap responses for the recap), and Allow Ad hoc events to use this recap (a yes/no select determining if the recap can be used for staff-created ad hoc events).

Next, you will want to select which projects you are assigning the recap to. You may assign the recap to as many or as few projects as you need. To select all, hold the shift key and click through the list. To select specific programs, hold CTRL and select the projects you wish to use. Project names highlighted in blue will be used.

You can also choose to assign Location Variables to the recap. This will allow you to create location-specific questions that will only display when an event is scheduled at a location with the corresponding variable. Location Variables need to be added in the admin settings prior to building a recap definition. To select all, hold the shift key and click through the list. To select specific variables, hold CTRL and select the projects you wish to use. Names highlighted in blue will be used.

Now it is time to start building! First, you must add a page. This will be the page that the form(s) will be displayed on. You may add one or many forms to a page. You may also break your recap up into several pages if you want. To add a page click the +Page button below the Pages header.

Once the page is added, you may either add a form (the place you will add your recap fields) or you may wish to first edit the page name. The default page name is Page # (ex. Page 1, Page 2, etc). To edit the name, click the Edit Page button. This step is completely optional.

A pop up will display. Enter the page name you want to change to in the text field. Then close the pop up and your page will be renamed.

Now add the form. Click the + Form button.

This will open another popup with options for the form settings. You may choose between three different form types (Simple, Product, and Survey). You may also rename the form if needed (renaming is optional).

A simple form is a non-repeatable question form. This is the form type recommended for standard, end of event recapping.

A product form allows programs with products assigned to add questions a single time and have them repeat for each product. (ie. Patty’s Pies samples five flavors in one activation. Each assigned question would repeat for all five flavors after being added once to the form).

A survey form is an infinitely repeatable form that will generate a response form on demand. This is the form you want to use if your staff are asking questions in the field and you want to have multiple responses submitted.

Choose the correct form type and click Submit.

Building a Simple Form Recap

Once the form has been added, you will see it display nested beneath the page.

If needed, you have the option of adding location variables to the entire form. Adding location variables to the form will mean that the entire form will only display at the location(s) set up in the corresponding variable.

Adding recap fields to the form is a simple drag and drop process. All available fields will be listed under the Available Recap Questions header. Find the question you want in the list OR search for it in the dynamic search box.

When you’ve found the correct question, just click on it and drag it into position on the form.

At this point, the question is on the form and will show for all recaps and is not a required field. There are ways to further control when/if the field will display, whether it is required, what length of answer you want, etc. Each or all of these options can be added to any or all fields in the recap.

First, if you want to, you may add a Location Variable to the field. This will allow the specified question to display only when the event being recapped is scheduled at a venue with the same location variable assigned to it. Click +Location Variables (in blue), then select the correct Location Variable(s) to assign to the question. If you wish to select more than one variable, Shift+click to select a group, CTRL+click to select specific items from the list. Once you have selected the desired variables, click Close.

The variable will now be assigned to the question.

The recap builder also allows you to assign validation to each question. Validation types are: Response required, minimum text length, maximum text length, greater than the specified value, greater than or equal to the specified value, less than the specified value, less than or equal to the specified value, and numeric values only. Click the +Validation button (purple), then select the correct validation from the dropdown list. Close the popup.

The validation will now be added to the question.

Multiple validation options can be added to any question, if needed. Repeat the above steps until all validation wanted is assigned to the field. Please note, do not add validation to any display only field type.

The final optional addition to a recap field is a Logic Group. Logic allows fields to display only when the set parameters are met. Click +Logic Group (in teal) on the question you want the logic to apply to. This will add a new banner with a + Logic Condition button.

Now you can begin adding logic conditions to the question. You may add multiple conditions per group but note that logic conditions are cumulative, so each condition must be met in order for the question to display. Logic options are: Is present, equals, does not equal, greater than, less than.

Click + Logic Condition. The Condition popup will include two drop down fields. First, select the recap question that will be the logic condition source. This is the question that requires a specific answer to be entered before the question with the logic applied to it will display.

Next, select the type of logic you wish to apply. The logic options will vary based on the field type as certain forms of logic are not applicable to all recap field types.

Once you have completed both sections, click Submit. The logic condition will now display nested below the question.

Continue to build a simple form recap by dragging and dropping questions onto the form and adding validation, location variables, and logic as needed.

Product Forms

Adding a product form to your recap allows you to ask the same questions for all products assigned to the form while only adding them once. This allows for greater accuracy and speed when creating recaps.

To add a product form, select Product Form when adding a new form and click Submit.

The new form will get added to the bottom of the existing recap. If you need to move the form up from this default location, you can do so by dragging and dropping the banner to wherever you need it.

The product form will contain two sub-banners. The first will allow you to assign products to the form. All recap questions added will be posed for each product that is assigned to the form. You may add as many products as you wish to a form (or as few!). To start adding products, click EditProducts.

This will open a pop up with a drop down that will allow you to select a product to assign to the form. Select a product and click Submit.

On each individual product, you can add location variables so that the questions for the products will only display at specific locations.

Continue to add products by repeating the above process until all required products are displaying on the product form. You may also add location variables or logic at the form level, meaning that the entire form would only display when those conditions are met.

Once all the products have been added to the form, you may start to add recap questions. Add questions by dragging and dropping questions from the Available Recap Questions list. You may also use the search field to find specific questions quickly.

As needed, you may also add location variables, validation, and logic to each individual question, as outlined above. Once the recap is built, submitters will see each question you’ve added for each product on the form.

Survey Forms

Survey forms allow you to create a single form that is infinitely repeatable for your staff users. Instead of having to add duplicate forms over and over, the survey form allows submitters to add a new response on demand with minimal effort.

To add a product form, select Product Form when adding a new form and click Submit.

The new form will get added to the bottom of the existing recap. If you need to move the form up from this default location, you can do so by dragging and dropping the banner to wherever you need it.

On the form-level, you can add location variables and logic so that the entire form will only display when those set conditions are met. At this step, you can also start adding questions. Add questions by dragging and dropping questions from the Available Recap Questions list. You may also use the search field to find specific questions quickly.

As needed, you may also add location variables, validation, and logic to each individual question, as outlined above. Once the recap is built, submitters will see each question you’ve added every time they click the Add New Response button when completing the recap.

Final thoughts on recaps

Once you have added all pages, forms, location variables, validation, and logic that you want to your recap, scroll to the top of the page and click Save. At this point, you will be able to locate your recap in the Recap Definition Index. From the index, you will be able to view the Name, Start Date, End Date, End Offset Date, Number of Questions, Number of Forms, Assigned Programs, Assigned Events, Recap Responses, and Active Status. You may also export the recap as a spreadsheet, duplicate the recap, and generate a preview link by clicking the Actions button.

The Preview Link feature allows you to view the recap as the recap submitter will see it. This allows you to confirm that the recap is displaying as you intended for those who will have to respond to it and also allows you to share it with others, as needed.

Recap Definitions are deletable until a response has been submitted against it. After that point, the definition will no longer be able to be removed entirely from the system. Definitions are editable by clicking the wrench icon in the definition index.