Add Locations Tool
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Add Locations Tool

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Article summary

The Add Locations Tool allows management users to add new locations at the Client level.

Using the Add Locations Tool

Login to the correct Client program.  Click Tools in the menu, select Add Location.  

This will open the Add Locations Tool page.  From this page, users will download the template that will be used to upload the new locations.  Click Download Template.  The template will automatically download and save to the device's default download folder.  Click Continue.  

Open the template.  The required columns are: Location Name, Address 1, City, State/Province, Postal Code, Territory, and Location Type.  Complete the template by entering all necessary information and any additional information available.  The information entered in Territory, Location Type, Parent Location Chain, and the Location Chain must correspond exactly with the client-specific value.  DO NOT edit any of the column headers, delete any columns, leave a required field blank, or put information in a row beyond the last column.  Any of these issues will populate an error when uploading the template. 


Save the completed template in UTF-8 Comma Separated Value format.  This will accommodate any special 

characters that may be included in the template.  


Upload the template to the Upload Edited Template page.  Click Choose File and select the appropriate file.  

Click Conduct Test.  This will test the uploaded template for errors.  If the new location information matches all requirements the test will complete with no errors.  When the test is completed successfully, click Complete Import to add the new locations.  

If any errors are present after running the test, the template will have to be edited and resubmitted until the test is successful.  A template with errors present will not be permitted to be uploaded.  

When you click Complete Import, the system also checks if data entered in Street Address 1, Street Address 2, City, State, and Zip match any other entries.  If a match is found, the location will not be imported to avoid duplicate locations within the system.  

Once the upload is completed, the newly added locations will be visible in the Location Index and able to be used when creating new events
